Keyboard shortcuts


  • Type Cmd/Ctrl + 0 to open the global search (Quick Find) to search everything in the app.
Global Search Diagram
  • Type Cmd/Ctrl + N to create a new note in the app.
  • Type Cmd/Ctrl + R to refresh the app.

Notes Editor

  • Slash Commands
    • Type / to create a new block
    Note Editor Diagram
    • Search text with Cmd/Ctrl + F
    • Undo with Cmd/Ctrl + Z
    • Redo with Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + Z
  • Text Commands
    • Bold selected text with Cmd/Ctrl + B
    • Italic selected text with Cmd/Ctrl + I
    • Underline selected text with Cmd/Ctrl + U
    • Code selected text with Cmd/Ctrl + C
    • Highlight selected text with Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + H
    • Strike-through selected text with Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + S

  • Block Commands
    • Block Transformation Shortcuts
    • Cmd/Ctrl + option + 0 to turn a block into a text block
    • Cmd/Ctrl + option + 1 to turn a block into a T1 title
    • Cmd/Ctrl + option + 2 to turn a block into a T2 title
    • Cmd/Ctrl + option + 3 to turn a block into a T3 title
    • Cmd/Ctrl + option + 4 to turn a block into a H1 heading
    • Cmd/Ctrl + option + 5 to turn a block into a H2 heading
    • Cmd/Ctrl + option + 6 to turn a block into a H3 heading
    • Cmd/Ctrl + shift + 7 to turn a block into a numbered list
    • Cmd/Ctrl + shift + 8 to turn a block into a bullet list
    • Go to the beginning or the end of the line with Cmd/Ctrl + /
    • Escape the Code block with Shift + Enter
    • Indent / Un-indent list items with Tab & Shift + Tab
    • Create Numbered list with 1 + . + Space
    • Create Bullet list with - + Space
    • Create Quote block with > + Space
    • Create Title 1 with # + Space
    • Create Title 2 with ## + Space
    • Create Title 3 with ### + Space
    • Create Heading 1 with #### + Space
    • Create Heading 2 with ##### + Space
    • Create Heading 3 with ###### + Space
    • Create with ###### + Space
    • Fold and unfold Numbered list and Bullet list Cmd/Ctrl + Enter

  • A Clever Editor
    • Block Typography Shortcuts
    • Create a Copyright icon © with ( + c + )
    • Create a Right/Left arrow →/← with - + > / <
    • Create Double arrows »/« with > + > / < + <
    • Create Maths fractions ½ with 1 + / + 2
    • Create Long lines — with - + -
    • Create Maths Equations 1×1 with 1 + x + 1
    • Create a Smile emoji 🙂 with : + - + )
    • Create a Heart emoji ❤️ with < + 3
    • Create a Crazy emoji 😜 with > + : + P